Avoid Knee problem in Basketball Game

Basketball is a game which need high end performance. Because of that every player train hard. But in the basketball training many time injuries occur. Knee is very common part of body which required special attention. The knee joints are very important to walk and move in game and life. Injuries or knee problems are common but you can avoid it with some precautions. Here are some care tips for your knees:

1. - Avoid overweight training and avoid overloading of weight. It can generate long-term ailments.

2. - You should be vigilant and avoid falls or sudden movements which can damage your knees. In basketball game jumps are very important but sometime because of sudden jumps player got serious injury.

3. - Before basketball training stretching and warm-up are very necessary. It reduce the level of injury. It is also recommended to change the type of exercises after some time to prevent injuries.

4. - Walking and running incorrectly can hurt your knees. Always use a proper and good walking shoes. Too flat or too high shoes are not good for your knees.

5. -If you are lifting weights, must be placed in squatting or kneeling position to reduce the impact on knee joints.

6. - It is recommended to practice physical activity to strengthen muscles and knees, with it you can avoid injuries.

The knee pain is usually the most common symptom of the knee problem. If you are facing this type of problem then consult your doctor and moderate your training.

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Importance of Eccentric Training in Basketball

The eccentric weight training, commonly referred as a negative training. It is a very useful tool for basketball, but like every other tool, its usefulness entirely depends on the skill of the user. The eccentric training can be a great way to build muscle if you do it in right manner. But like other exercise you should avoid over-training. If you want to start eccentric weight training then first consult your doctor or your coach.

There are many eccentric exercises. For example, when you lower the bar while bench pressing, chest, front shoulder and triceps are all stretching on an eccentric action. In this manner you will lose more weight. The biggest advantage of the eccentric exercises that you can train with heavy wight. With eccentric exercises you can lose 20 to 40 percent body weight and get some serious body mass, that may trigger a greater response of your endocrine system. It means that you can produce more testosterone.


If you want to gain lean mass then eccentric exercises are best for this purpose. Which means that you can quickly gain lean mass. Heavy eccentric squats and dead lifts can quickly add a lot of body lean Mass.

Advantages of basketball

In basketball, jump is a very important factor and with eccentric exercises you can improver your jump. Because eccentric training effect the stretch-shortening cycle. It helps you to increase your vertical jump. With it you can make your Basketball training more intense.

End the program

If you are planning to Start eccentric exercises then, start slowly. Plan your first eccentric squat training so that you can take full rest on next day because the pain can limit your productivity. Make only few repetitions - one or two for the system squats - to see how you are able. Add them gradually exercises such as the press, and never attempt to turn a dynamic exercise such as a snatch or clean in an eccentric exercise, as this will only lead to injury. Now you know that how eccentric training is useful for player. So start it slowly then get pace.

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Importance of Jogging

Summer is not a friendly if you want to do practice. But in summer, 10 minutes of jogging is enough for training. Just consider few things before you start to avoid problems. Jogging is a complete exercise which is suitable for any sport. It is the base of many sport like basketball, football, baseball etc. You can say that jogging is for every thing.

1. - Make specific stretching before jogging for about 10 or 15 minutes. And make them look forward, not as "something you have to get it over with." Runner's World magazine in its web suggests several examples , but the most recommended for before running are working the muscles of the pelvis and thighs .

2. - Heat. Forever. If you heat, you risk a range of injuries, from cramps to sprains. The good news is that in summer about ten minutes of jogging may be sufficient.

3. - Forget intense exercise if you are beginner. Although if you love to run and have a lot of experience then you can go with intensity. But always Start with small course run three or four times a week before attempting lengthy tours.

4. - Many Basketball training program or football training program based on it. So you can understand the advantages of jogging.

5. - Diversify : Try to cross-train. Practiced other sports, such as cycling or swimming. You can also try different routes with different terrains .

6. - Choose good footwear . Always choose good footwear. Its provide you stability, cushioning and flexibility, and that will also improve your performance.

7. - Hydrate . Always carry drinking water. It will keep you hydrate.

8. - Prepare something to regain strength . Ideally something rich in protein, such as a plain or a glass of cold milk.

9. - Do not stop suddenly . Jog a little more, and then keep walking briskly for a while. Your heart must slow down gently and muscles and lungs. then stretch again .

10. - Always try to choose different route for jogging. You can also take mp3 player.
These tips will help you to achieve high fitness during the summer. Jogging is perfect exercise if you do it perfectly.

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Basketball Workouts: How to Improve Your Game

Basketball is a tough game. It requires a great effort from the players. If you want to be good at it, then you have to work and train hard. There are basketball workouts present that can help you feel better in this wonderful game. Their training should not be limited to the basketball court. You should do some serious weight training at least 45 minutes during the off season. You should also devote 60 minutes to the practice of the courts. Before, after your workout, you should warm yourself. As for weight training, you should do the work throughout the body. Just have to work for eight hours in a week.

Speaking of basketball practice, some people think that bench presses are all you need to train for basketball. This is obviously a very wrong perception. Excelling in any sport takes hard work. Jumping is essential in every basketball game. Therefore, the focus should be on the jump as well, which is not usually the case. Here are some basketball workouts that you should consider.


For a basketball player, two operating elements are important. The first is the speed and the second is the ability to run for a long time. Therefore, if you want to be good at it, then you should participate in aerobic and anaerobic.

In order to gain speed, you must participate in sprint exercises. You should check your progress. For the construction of the resistance jogs participate in the morning. They are amazing to health because contact is made with the fresh morning air. To mix both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, go to the local track and sprint for the entire round, and then bike for two laps. Going through this process two or three times. You should train in running backwards.

Yoga: Many basketball players have back problems. Back pain can be caused by several things. Basketball players throw a lot and jump which leads to a lot of stress on back muscles. Yoga exercises that relate to stretching your back flexible. It also puts you in a peaceful state of mind as well.

Weightlifting: Basketball is a very tough game and requires your body to be in shape to 100%. Lifting weights builds strength. You should go for weight lifting in the off season. Not a particularly basketball practice, but it is the backbone of basketball practice. If you've done weight lifting before, you should not start with the heavyweights. Take it easy, while gaining experience and become powerful. Exhale as you lift and inhale while leaving the weight. If it is strong, then you will be able to gain speed.

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Methods of training for basketball

Basketball is a game which need high stamina and endurance. It need many type of training programs. In this article we will discuss about two type of basketball training programs.


Resistance is the ease of the body to hold certain physical load in longer periods of time without loss of effectiveness. The degree of resistance depends on the central nervous system, circulation system and breathing and the economy in the execution of technical elements.

The physical load is the component which contributes to fatigue, before which decrease the strength, speed, frequency and strength movements, besides undermining the coordination of both the player and the team. Hence, the development of resistance exercises using different combinations of load components, such "cross" (career field) with walking and running, rowing and swimming cycling, racing middle and long distance.

For the overall development of resistance exercises performed repetition interval with the same time and distance and changes.

The special resistance is the ability of the player to assimilate large amounts of load in speed. Used for development of technical and tactical exercises (fast attack, pressure, torn, turns, jumps, etc.), Repeated several times, as well as sports such as swimming aids.

In this Basketball training program, these exercises are necessary:

Run a free field
Running between 300 and 800 m in average and minimum time considering the age of the player.
Dividing the distance run at lower sections to maintain the same speed.


Speed is the body's ability to perform complex movements separately or in a short period of time. It depends upon the co-ordination of movements, muscle elasticity, strength and mobility of nervous processes. In basketball speed unfolds in all its forms. The reaction rate is related to the agility, strength and speed of movement. In this Basketball training program you can find many exercises which increase the speed:

a) Runs on uneven terrain, water and sand.
b) Exercises to develop strength with and without opposition.
c) Exercises and tensioning devices.
d) Different types of careers.

All these exercises should be performed with maximum speed, with long intervals of rest.
Specifically basketball player is prepared by the reaction rate, over short distances speed, acceleration, speed of execution of the technical movements with or without ball. When running speed exercises the player should be rested, performing during initiation of training.

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Keys For Maximum Workout Performance

When planning a workout, we always consider a number of parameters (session length, number of players, day of week, phase of the season) with the clear intention to get the maximum performance, but in many cases, we can not do. To achieve this, we must address a number of factors, some of which we can control and others that are external.

Among the factors we can control, is the information overload exhaustion. As training progresses, players accumulate physical and mental weariness resulting not assimilate as well as at the first signs of the coach. Therefore, it is important to reduce explanations to allow better assimilation of information. But to avoid such excess can not fall to little information, since, for example, the player can not make the most of a movement but it does not include fixes or corrections. To remedy this situation, it is convenient use clear and simple language, Allowing players who can put questions to facilitate understanding.

The fatigue is another element to consider and it is important to take recovery and pauses To get the most out of training. To try to mitigate that fatigue must also use a specific improvement in physical appearance, since a low fitness influences the performance.

As for the training itself, the basketball trainer must measure either the duration of each exercise. An exercise too long causes the players start with intensity and gradually go down your concentration and thus its performance. Furthermore, the introduction of new exercises facilitates greater attention from the team, in a new situation, be more attentive when run as if always done the same job, the players will eventually get bored and will be a fruitless exercise.

As for external factors, we can find situations of dehydration, malnutrition and exhaustion. Rest is an essential part for maximum efficiency, many injuries are caused by fatigue and it is important to see the players who, after a hard basketball workouts, and stretching should take a well-deserved rest.

The feeding is also important, since poor nutrition will prevent proper recovery and facilitate training injuries. It should be stressed to the players to eat something before training and respect digestion periods before a game. These factors are very small but it is the basics to increase performance in sports. Finally, the Dehydration can also cause injury. So players must replenish fluids before, during and after workouts, which will facilitate their recovery.

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Type of Basketball Training Programs for Skills Improvement

Basketball, A game which is the national game of Latvia. But now it is famous in all over the world. Member of NBA earn money more then any sports association. Basketball is a game which required hard training. If you want to become a basketball player then you have to train hard. Training is very important part of basketball game. Following are some training programs which are mostly used by players:-

  1. Proprioceptive training
  2. Endurance training
  3. Plyometric Exercises program
  4. Specific training

What is Proprioceptive training? Meaning of Proprioceptive is “one's owe” and perception is the one of human senses. In this training you learn to control your body movements. In regular routine it is very important. Without it you can't drive and play, because it is responsible for our body part's coordination which is important in racket games and basketball. Proprioceptive training is very helpful to improve strength, balance and coordination between body parts. In Basketball training you can use many proprioceptive exercise like one-leg balances with perturbations, one-footed heel raises, rocker-board lunges, forward-backward leg swings with knee flexed.

Endurance training is very important, not only for basketball training but for all sports. In Endurance training you learn to defeat your pain and you can also improve your Sufferance, Stamina, Resilience, or Durability. This training improve your overall athleticism, improve your survival time in game and reduce your recovery time.

In basketball game speed, stamina and power is every thing and plyometric exercises program boost your power, stamina and speed. Plyometric exercises consist highly intensive sets of movements that will improve your power and stamina. Adding some plyometric exercises in your training program can improve your skills.

Specific training as name suggested its for specific area. For example if your leg is not too strong then you have to adopt specific training program. It makes your leg strong. It also improve your muscle's reaction time. This Basketball training program is very helpful to improve response time of body.

These Basketball training programs are very effective. With these programs you can achieve the higher level of training. Follow these training programs and achieve your goals.

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